Thursday, January 31, 2013

In June 2012, the US President approved a Presidential Policy Directive that outlines his vision with respect to. U.S. policy toward sub-Saharan Africa.

FAU KWANZAA ACCORD 2013 CALL at 6:00 PM EST 31 JANUARY 2013 at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#

THINK ABOUT AFRICA AND THE GENOCIDE GOING ON ON OUR WATCH - THURSDAY FRIENDS OF THE AFRICAN UNION get creative around a multimedia structure that will come into being on 1 February 2013 in LA. One of our FAU goal's under leadership that includes Bambou Ada Diagne is the creation of a infrastructure in the DRC to support a million people who have been raped, made into child soldiers or born to women who have been raped.

FAU KWANZAA ACCORD 2013 CALL at 6:00 PM EST 31 JANUARY 2013 at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#

  1. FAU African American Heritage Month Websites - LA is the focus
  2. FAU Organization, Bureaus, Chapters, Units, Committees, Action Teams and Leadership
  3. FAU STEM - Erase the Digital Divide working sessions from TAFT STEM School [K-6]
  4. The FAU in the Congo and our One Million Women Talking in connection to One Million Women Marching
  5. African Union Update

December 2011 Co-Founders of Friends of the African Union attend meeting in Washington DC called by HE Ali and Dr Horne.Based on that we employed Kujichagulia in the creation of Friends of the African Union as the agent to address the needs to have all of the African Diaspora in America aware of the African Union and its quest to create a 1.4 billion person global market with at least 4 trillion dollars in annualized income.

We where represented by a Senegalese economist and his son.

January 2012 MLK Launch of Friends of African Union [FAU] and signiture at the KWANZAA AFRICAN DIASPORA UNITY SUMMIT, JAN. 28, 2012, HOWARD UNIVERSITY where to attend and vote, all organizations had to be (a) Committed to building the African Union and to contributing to the unification and development of Africa, (b) Committed to assist and participate with the African Diaspora in joining the AU as voting members, and (c) Committed to recognize Africa as their motherland and to use their networks to spread the word of the AU-Diaspora process and implementation.

February 2012 FAU Plan of Action Adopted

March 2012 FAU Global Solutions Formed

April 2012 National Community Reinvestment Coalition Attendance and Global Banking Talks

May 2012 African Union African Diaspora Conference held in South Africa

June 2012 Attended US State Dept. US African Business Conference by invitation of the US State Department.

July 2012 Orders issued by AU as to Diaspora Roadmap

August 2012 FAU STEM [Science Technology Engineering & Math] Formed and FAU 9 Principal Operations developed

September 2012 Power Plant powered by sewage water Presentation to the African Scientific Institute at a forum sponsored by the Constituency for Africa at Howard University during Congressional Black Caucus

October 2012 FAU Conference Call for the Big Black Call on October 16th 2012, added the 10th FAU Principal Operation and more global urban planning framework started

November 2012 FAU Business Plan Framework Agreed Upon and 10 Operational Principals Adopted

December 2012 FAU Anniversary Planning 2012 Sessions - One Trillion Dollar plus FAU SPV Framework with 1,000 Market Partner P3's including 7 million households.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Friends of the African Union will talk about this tonight at the FAU KWANZAA ACCORDS 2013 TECHNOLOGY CALL on Jan 22 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number 213.493.0700 with Access Code 106132 #

The current President of the United States will be will us for 4 more years and during that time we think the glass is half full for Africa. Join us in filling it up by creating a new electronic highway on the conference call today as we talk global information systems using patent 5,577,042.

Friends of the African Union will talk about tech tonight at the FAU KWANZAA ACCORDS 2013 TECHNOLOGY CALL on Jan 22 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number 213.493.0700 with Access Code 106132 #